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API testing: challange 3

Exploiting a mass assignment vulnerability

Link: https://portswigger.net/web-security/api-testing/lab-exploiting-mass-assignment-vulnerability

To solve the lab, find and exploit a mass assignment vulnerability to buy a Lightweight l33t Leather Jacket. You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter.


  • Start the challange by logging using wiener:peter credentials
  • I navigated through the website to find api endpoints
  • After navigation i found it when you add item to cart, go to your cart and click place order
  • This moves you to this API endpoint /api/checkout and this is the request body when the request method is POST
  • I tried to change the request method to PUT and i found in the response that only GET, POST are the allowed methods
  • When i change the request method to GET i get this response
              "name":"Lightweight \"l33t\" Leather Jacket",
  • We note that there’s chosen_discount Let’s add it the body of the request and send the post request but after making the chosen_discount = 100
  • Congratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz