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Kerberos Delegation
active directory

Delegation means to delegate someone A to do specific task instead of someone B using the privilages of B

Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation

It’s allowing the first hop server (can be web server as example) to request access to any service on any computer in the domain.
unconstrained delegation
Before we go consider this situation ..
You have an application server (has unconstrained delegation) and you as a user can access it
There’s also server B which can’t be accessed by the user directly (The user has the privilages of accessing it but not through a direct interface), The app server can access the server B through an interface beteen them

So if you want to access the server B you need to make use of the unconstrained delegation in the application server (Front end) to make it forward your request with your privilages to the Server B (Backend server).

In This image we can see the operation

  • In the steps 1,2 the user requests TGT for authentication as known before
  • In the steps 3,4 the user requests TGS to access the app server (the point of unconstrained delegation)
    • This TGS will contain also a forwardable TGT of the user
    • The server can use the TGT embedded in the TGS to request the TGS of server B as example
    • and it will get a valid TGS to access the server B because it’s based on the user’s privilages


The attack involves determining The components that has unconstrained delegation, then dumping the tickets it save so may lead us to impersonate the owner of the tickets