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API testing: challange 1

Exploiting an API endpoint using documentation

Link: https://portswigger.net/web-security/api-testing/lab-exploiting-api-endpoint-using-documentation

To solve the lab, find the exposed API documentation and delete carlos. You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter


  • Start the challange by logging using wiener:peter credentials
  • I navigated through the website to find api endpoints but i didn’t find
  • I tried to find if there’s an exposed api documentation by visiting the url https://0a3c005a033bf00881c694ba005c0041.web-security-academy.net/api/
  • I found this page
    exposed APIs
  • The info we need are here we can delete the user carlos now by visiting https://0a3c005a033bf00881c694ba005c0041.web-security-academy.net/api/user/carlos and making the request DELETE
  • Congratzzzzzzzzzzzz