Home > CTF > 0xL4ugh 2024 > OSINT: Lost In History (easy)

OSINT: Lost In History (easy)


MM0X and xElessaway were in a mission to find someone but seems they had a stalker and got us this picture of them both. can you identify the place they were?

lost in history.jpg

Flag Format: 0xL4ugh{The Name of the place with spaces}


Let’s go

  • after analyzing the image i found some notes which may be important

lost in history.jpg1

  • They are numbered in this img
    • label 1: a reflection of a word
    • label 2&3: are statues
  • The word in label one after zooming and guessing the rest of the word i believe it’s ‘المومياوات’
  • The statues are indication that this may be a museum
  • So when i searched using ‘متحف المومياوات’ i found this result

lost in history.jpg1

The place is The national museum of Egyptian Civilization and you can confirm that by searching for photos of this museum
Then the flag is 0xL4ugh{The national museum of Egyptian Civilization}